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(주)엠케이켐앤텍의 새로운 소식을 전합니다.

제목 Selected the first 'Rising Leaders 300'

On September 14, 2023, we were selected as the leader of the 1st generation of Rising Leaders 300 [K-Tech Leading Type]!!

Rising Leaders 300 is a new business model jointly established by the public and private sectors, including Woori Bank, the Ministry of Industry, the Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency (KOTRA), the Korea Institute of Technology (KIAT), the Korea Federation of Mid-sized Businesses, and the Korea Industrial Intelligence Association (KOIIA)

300 companies will be selected for a total of five years to discover and support leading mid-sized companies.

At the first award ceremony, 38 mid-sized companies were selected, including △ Global Leaders (25 companies with export growth) △ K-Tech Reading (4 companies with technological innovation) △ Future Value Reading (7 companies with ESG management) △ D/X leap (2 companies with digital conversion).

Global leaders accounted for the largest share (65.8%) of 25 companies.

Woori Financial Group will also support non-financial services such as entering the global market by utilizing 574 global networks from 24 countries. Four organizations under the Ministry of Industry, including KOTRA, also provide special benefits such as support for overseas expansion and support for training research 




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